Wednesday 27 November 2019

Spiders, spiders, spiders!!!

We had fun with our Buddy Class, creating moving spiders.
First, we watched a science video about Spiders.
Ask us about some facts.

Tuesday 12 November 2019


Presenting a play to the class.

Plays during our Reading Programme

Some of the students, acting out a play about some animals visiting the Vets.
The children are learning to use actions, different voices and expression
to make their reading interesting.

Bike Trail

The opening of our new Bike Trail !
Connor leading the way for Room 22 !

Wednesday 30 October 2019

Assembly - Dance

Room 22 proudly choose to do a dance to "Try Everything' 
because it is our class motto to 
"Keep trying to get out of the learning pit and never give up".

Koru Assembly Certificates

Congratulations,  Connor and Dylan.

Koru Assembly - Pirate Characters

All the students shared their Pirate Posters.
Some read out about their Pirate characters.